Tuesday 16 September 2014

Cartoon Characters

Ever changing cartoon characters...

In the beginning, we have Magic English DVD series, both sisters loved it... Then, Abby prefers Dibo, she will pick up the Dibo CD and pass it to me... though she can't speak then; I know that she likes to watch that. Then, the period where I introduce princesses to Annabelle, I guess Abby has no choice to watch repeated times of Cinderella stories that the "jie jie" likes..

Moving on, there comes Frozen... every night; in Amma's house; you can hear "...Let It Go..., Let It Go..." and sometime, we will sit down and watched "Brave"together.

Don't know since when, Abigail and Annabelle loves Dora the Explorer. Probably also thanks to the mummy who bought the first Dora CD for them...

Last Saturday 13/9/2014, we took the chance where there were a Meet and Greet session with Dora & Diego; we took them both to Curve. Prior to that I have told Annabelle that she can meet Dora, this is because; when she was younger she was afraid of the A&W mascot bear (what character was that?!), but when she heard Dora she was so excited. When I told Abigail about the same thing, the only thing I saw was her firm nod and she said; "Dora... Dora..."

The date with Dora was 6.30pm. Papa was so excited to bring the girls to the best session, despite after attending a meeting; papa didn't rest and wake us up from our afternoon nap at 5pm and we got ready for the Dora. (such a sweet lovely father)

After the date with Dora, we had quick bite in McD, some rides for the kids and we ended the day with a smile on everyone face..

Wednesday 3 September 2014

I Do.. I Do it Myself

There are just so much to update for you all about Abigail and Annabelle...

Out of many, we had noticed that Abigail being the 2nd child learn many things from the sister. Out of many, she likes to do many stuff by herself now from eating by herself, choosing her favourite DVD, putting lotion and shower gel and many more.

She wants to do it by herself. 
She wants to do arts and crafts by herself. 

I do.. I do... coloring..

Makan also by herself

That's explain she is so interested to take the drink
from the cup 

Breakfast also by herself 
Today is Abigail 1 year 9 months checkup in the Klinik Kesihatan. She got up very early as if knowing that she needs to be ready for her check-up, after got her change and she slept off while waiting for us to be ready to leave the house.

We reach the clinic very early and we waited for the operating time. Suddenly I noticed that she has grown up so much that she was able to sit properly at the car seat, she is able to listen to me which I told her : "Abby, nurse kakak will check Abby's head circumferences, weight and height; Abby cannot cry ya...", she nodded her head., she walked around in the clinic waiting area while waving her tiny hand at me and say: "Come, mummy..."

God, she has grown so much! I felt grateful that she is healthy and her growth is good. When it was just like yesterday I carried her out from the hospital and when I reviewed some photos of both of them, there were photos that I need to pause, look carefully and see was that Annabelle or Abigail? (Bad mummy ah...)